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Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance within SNOWPACE

Update Frequency: Not Planned
Latest Data Update: 2022-02-14
Status: Completed
Online Status: ONLINE
Publication State: Citable
Publication Date: 2022-02-15
DOI Publication Date: 2022-03-09
Download Stats: last 12 months
Dataset Size: 4 Files | 5MB


This dataset contains measurements of the water vapour isotope composition of ambient vapour, surface snow, ocean water, and precipitation obtained from water vapour isotope analyzers manufactured by Picarro Inc., as well as from discrete sampling and subsequent laboratory analysis. The analyzer was installed onboard the NATO Research Vessel Alliance during the Iceland Greenland Seas Project. Discrete sampling included precipitation, sea water, and standards from the R/V Alliance. The Picarro L2140-i analyzer is a cavity ring-down spectrometer that uses infrared absorption bands for the retrieval of the water isotope ratios for H216O, H218O, and HDO, quantified as mixing ratio of water vapour (w, ppmv), delta 18-O, and delta-D (permil) at 1 Hz time native resolution. The data set for the R/V Alliance has been joined with the meteorological data from R/V Alliance ( at 60 s averaging. For further details and figures on the Picarro analyzer, and the sample collection during the campaign, and processing thereafter, please read the attached documentation.

This research is funded by the Research Council of Norway under the Sources of the Norwegian winter season snow pack constrained by stable water isotopes - SNOWPACE project (Project Nr. 262710) and the Facility for advanced isotopic research and monitoring of weather, climate and biogeochemical cycling (FARLAB) project (Project Nr. 245907).

Citable as:  Sodemann, H.; Weng, Y. (2022): Iceland Greenland Seas Project (IGP): water isotope measurements from the University of Bergen vapour isotope analyzer on board the NATO Research Vessel Alliance within SNOWPACE. NERC EDS Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, 09 March 2022. doi:10.5285/705abc2d9988444ba79e942f22219bc0.
Abbreviation: Not defined
Keywords: Not defined


Previous Info:
No news update for this record
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No related previous identifiers.
Access rules:
Access to these data is available to any registered CEDA user. Please Login or Register for a CEDA account to gain access.
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When using these data you must cite them correctly using the citation given on the CEDA Data Catalogue record.
Data lineage:

Data collected during the IGP field campaign, then processed and quality controlled at the University of Bergen.

Data Quality:
This data has been quality controlled at the University of Bergen.
File Format:
Data are NetCDF and CSV formatted.

Citations: 1

The following citations have been automatically harvested from external sources associated with this resource where DOI tracking is possible. As such some citations may be missing from this list whilst others may not be accurate. Please contact the helpdesk to raise any issues to help refine these citation trackings.

Duscha, C., Barrell, C., Renfrew, I.A., Brooks, I.M., Sodemann, H. & Reuder, J. (2022) A Ship-Based Characterization of Coherent Boundary-Layer Structures Over the Lifecycle of a Marine Cold-Air Outbreak. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 183, 355–380.

Process overview

This dataset was generated by a combination of instruments deployed on platforms and computations as detailed below.

Independent Instruments

Picarro L2140-i

Computation Element: 1

Title Post processing of ship data at University of Bergen
Abstract Data files recorded by the analyzer in *.dat format are converted to netCDF format using a python routine. The raw data are then processed using the calibration routines FaVaCal, in use at FARLAB, University of Bergen, Norway. Calibration periods are identified and removed for separate processing with plots and quality evaluation. Water vapour isotope measurements are corrected for the humidity-isotope ratio dependency, as documented by Weng et al., 2020. The complete data processing is described in more detail in the data report for stable water isotope measurements from MASIN aircraft during IGP. The vapour isotope data are joined with the meteorological data from the R/V Alliance obtained during IGP at a 60 s averaging time using the processing tool isofuse. Output from this conversion is stored as one single datafiles (naming:; format: netcdf). Results from liquid sample analysis for water isotopes from the R/V Alliance are available in one datafile (naming:IGP2018_SNOWPACE_water_isotope_samples_Alliance.csv, format: csv). Post processing was done by Harald Sodemann (UiB), who also acts as data contact.
Input Description None
Output Description None
Software Reference None
Output Description


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Temporal Range
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